Celebrating CTE Month

Submitted by sheramy.green on

To celebrate CTE Month at Springville High School, students were asked to think about how they plan on making their first 100 Grand. They were then challenged to think of careers that interested them and submit their responses on $100 bills. After they shared their interest with Mr. Black, they taped them on the wall. He gave them a kick-start to their career pathway by giving them a 100 Grand candybar.

Shaun Black

Possible Snow Day

Submitted by beth.hansen on

Dear Nebo Parents/Guardians & Employees:

If the storm proves to be as strong as predicted, Nebo School District schools will be closed all day tomorrow, Monday, February 3, 2020. However, a final decision regarding the closure of schools will NOT be made until 6:30 AM tomorrow morning.

Nebo will NOT be considering a two-hour delayed start tomorrow due to our Monday early out schedule.