April Students of the Month

Submitted by sarah.ferrin on
Students of the Month

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated by faculty in the Foreign Language and Family and Consumer Science Departments.

Walter Rivas Salmeron, nominated by Mrs. Nava-Zapien.  "I’ve been so impressed with Walter all year and how he is always going above and beyond. He is always the first to show up and the last to leave at a service project. He consistently goes out of this way to help others and support his peers. He has been incredible!"

Jade Langholf, nominated by Mrs. Brough. "Over this school year Jade has been an excellent example of being self- dedicated, self motivated, creative, precise in translations, attentive to small details in ASL, and a kind peer and student. I have watched Jade advance in ASL, and had the privilege of watching several ASL presentations including an outstanding piece of ASL literature which won 3rd place in our ASL State Competition last month. It takes a lot of skill to control your voice in ASL Storytelling, and Jade's ability to use depicting verbs, eye gaze, character shifting, acting, emotion, and ASL syntax was amazing. Jade, I just want to say thank you for your positive attitude and the way you have shown respect to me and your peers in class. You stand out as a shining example."

Kimbal McFerson, nominated by Mr. Russell.  "For the past two year Kimbal has proven to be a hardworking student with the dedication to learn and improve his confidence in the German language. He is one of the most engaging and eager to learn student in my class. While here are multiple students who perform at this level, Kimbal has also proven to stand above his peers in this aspects as well."

Gwenyth Fales, nominated by Mrs. Olson. "Gwen has always been such a good team player in Spanish class! She looks out for her peers who don't have a partner and pairs up with them. She had a pretty bad injury this year but never used it as an excuse to not participate fully in class. She always finds ways to do her best. She is a joy to be around and has such a positive impact on others around her!"

Ethan Chapman, nominated by Ms. Yuan.  "I have taught Ethan Chinese for 2 years at high school and he is in my advisory class too. He has super busy schedule with his basketball team, but he is being responsible for all the assignments and showing up at class even when he was injured from the games. He has very charming personality and always be fun to be around. Beside, he has just been called on his mission to Taiwan in Mandarin.  I am super excited for him."

Chantel Furner, nominated by Mr. Cardenas. "Chantel has done an incredible almost impossible job during term 3. She had major surgery that put her out of school for weeks. She was in constant communication with me and other teachers. The bridge Spanish class is not a class you want to miss for a long time because it is very rigorous and difficult to catch up on when a student is gone. However, Chantel was always checking the system and staying caught up as much as her health allowed. She then proceeded to come to school in crutches and sit in class while in pain and enduring class activities and projects. I have been impressed with her work ethic and her self-advocacy to keep succeeding in school. She ended term 3 with straight A's in all her classes. Chantel embodies the Red Devil spirit.  I am super proud of her."

Cynthia Hernandez, nominated by Mr. Pace.  "Cynthia has been an excellent student all year! She comes to class on time and prepared. She participates in our class discussions and she does a great job managing some of the more colorful personalities in class. I really appreciate the voice and leadership that she brings to out class!"