Congrats Lizzie Lowe!

Submitted by sarah.ferrin on

Lizzie made the top 10 in the National Make It With Wool Contest.  She did an excellent job representing Utah in this national contest.  She placed 6th out of the top 21 Juniors from across the United States.  Great job Lizzie!

Nebo Choir Students Shine at the Abravanel Hall Concert

Submitted by sarah.ferrin on

After a full day of rehearsals, over 500 high school students from across the state gathered in separate Women's and Men's Honor Choirs for an afternoon concert in Abravanel Hall in downtown Salt Lake City, on Saturday, January 22.

Sponsored by the Utah Music Educators Association, the Women's Honor Choir was conducted this year by retired choir teacher, Tana Esplin (Juab High School) and the Men's Honor Choir was conducted by Justin Bills, the Director of Choirs at Salem Hills High School and accompanied by John Sargeant, Principal Accompanist at Salem Hills.

Lana Hiskey

State Board of Education, DonorsChoose Launch $12 Million Effort for Educators

Submitted by beth.hansen on

SALT LAKE CITY – The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) officially launches the allocation of $12 million in COVID-19 relief funds to directly help K-12 public school educators get classroom resources for the school year through DonorsChoose, a nonprofit crowdfunding website. The collaboration between USBE and DonorsChoose is the largest of its kind to date in the nation and will provide Utah educators with up to $1,000 in funding for their projects, empowering them to support their students' success with classroom resources.

Welcome new teacher, Lydia Nelson

Submitted by sarah.ferrin on

Lydia Nelson is a creative and business professional of over 17 years. She has recently become part of Springville High School as a CTE educator. Prior, Lydia taught Digital Literacy at Oak Canyon Junior High and was also their Attendance Specialist. Lydia has taught design and business workshops at over 50 Utah high schools, community colleges and universities. She has also been a guest speaker at several conferences, including FCCLA Fall Leadership, FCS Summer Conference, SLCC DECA Fall Leadership and guest judging for DECA.

Welcome new teacher, Amanda Schroath

Submitted by sarah.ferrin on

Amanda Schroath received her Bachelor's Degree in Instrumental Music Education from Brigham Young University in 2021. Amanda was born and raised in Boise, Idaho, where she lived for 18 years. She has been playing the piano for 18 years, and the saxophone for 13 years. Amanda has been involved in marching bands, jazz bands, pep bands, saxophone quartets, and various other musical groups for the last 10 years, and was the President of the Collegiate National Association for Music Educators at Brigham Young University in 2020-2021.

Nebo School District Offers Love and Logic Parenting Workshop

Submitted by beth.hansen on

Nebo School District in partnership with Spanish Fork City presents a virtual Love and Logic Parenting Workshop.

“There's a lot of advice out there on how to raise your kids – some better than others. ‘Love and Logic’ is a favorite of therapists, family life educators, teachers, principals, and most importantly parents. It is practical, easy to learn, and really effective! Come and enjoy this fun, upbeat, and informative workshop full of useful tips!” – Jonathan Sherman, LMFT, Family Therapist and Parent Educator

Where: Online via Zoom

By Lana Hiskey