November Students of the Month

Submitted by sarah.ferrin on
Students of the Month

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated by faculty from the Business and Vocational/Industrial Arts departments.

Brayden Bascom, nominated by Mr. Anderson.  "Brayden has an incredible positive attitude.  He also stays on task and asks questions if he needs it."

Avery Parker, nominated by Ms. Averett.  "Avery is a wonderful student to have in class.  She has a great attitude and is always wiling to help and participate in class.  She is a hard worker and a great example to everyone in the class."

Spencer Rowe, nominated by Mr. Padbury.  "Spencer exceeds standards for assignments consistently and truly has a joy in the subjects I'm teaching. He spends time after school using the equipment, as well as comes in early and organizes gear during class time when he's free. He's eager to learn and become proficient in video/film/tv work, which is exactly what I hope I can lend to my students."

Francesca Dunn, nominated by Mr. Carter. "Francesca is a kind and wonderful student. She care about being nice to others. Francesca asks questions during class and I know that many other students have the same questions. She has worked hard to complete assignments and understand concepts. She cares about the learning environment and I'm so glad that she is in my class."

Van Spencer, nomiated by Mr. Ostler.  "Van is a very hard working student. He is always actively engaged in class, and never takes time off. He also is a TA for me, and always asks me everyday what I need done or help with. He has shown immense growth and maturity as a person since the first time I met him as a Sophomore."

Elizabeth Robinson, nominated by Ms. Hansen. "Liz has grown a lot in her skills the last 3 years. She is hard working and always has a good attitude in class. She has also been designing posters for the Drama department on her own time for last year and this year's productions."

Kaylani Sione, nominated by Mrs. Little.  "Kaylani is always on time to class and has an amazing attitude towards getting her work done. She is growing academically and not afraid to ask for help when she is confused or stuck on a problem. She is always willing to help out and is kind to everyone."