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Click here for the Finding Nebo Volunteer for Good Podcast Episode

We’re excited to announce a new program in Nebo School District for our 10th-12th grade students. It’s called “Volunteer for Good.” This program provides service opportunities in our high schools and community. Students are not required to participate; this is a voluntary opportunity. Volunteering is a great way for students to give back to their community while also gaining valuable skills and experiences. Whether it’s helping at a local food bank, tutoring younger students, or assisting at community events, volunteering allows students to make a difference in the lives of others. Furthermore, volunteering can boost students’ self-confidence and sense of purpose. Engaging in meaningful activities can help students feel more connected to their school and community. By encouraging volunteer work, we can help shape responsible, compassionate individuals who are prepared for the future. Students can also showcase their commitment to civic engagement and personal growth.   

Any students who log service hours may receive prizes and scholarships this year! Volunteer opportunities may be created by school personnel. Students may also participate in local community events or charities within the state to earn hours.   

Scholarships (Awarded to seniors at each high school per year) 
$500 (1st place)
$300 (2nd place)
$200 (3rd place) 

Seal of Service Certificate
Anyone who earns 25 hours of “Volunteer for Good” service per year

Students can add service hours to their resume for various applications

How to Access “Volunteer for Good”
The student login is on each school's website under the “students” tab. It’s also located on Nebo School District’s website under “students.” There is a link for each high school.  Or you can find them below:




