On Wednesday, April 12, Springville High’s Latinos in Action class/club traveled to Maple Grove Middle school to meet with 6th and 7 th grade ESL students to “Tell Their Story” in hopes of inspiring the younger students to continue to pursue success. Springville High students shared their personal stories of how and why their family moved to Springville. Also, students talked to the 7 th graders about personal obstacles and challenges they had to overcome to be where they are today and what their future career and/or college plans entail. In addition, high school and middle schoolers played games together in an effort to build friendships and connections. This collaborative activity supports the four pillars of Latinos in Action: Leveraging personal and cultural assets, excelling in education, serving the community, and developing leadership skills. Learn more about LIA at: https://latinosinaction.org/about-lia/
This experience was a huge success! Special thanks to ESL Teacher Kristee Christensen and CCA Teacher Elise Huezo both at Maple Grove Middle who coordinated and prepared students for
this event.