School Song & Cheers

SHS School Song

Loyal to the Springville High,

Long may our colors fly,

Stand, the Red and Blue passes by,

let every loyal fan salute.

Here's to all the victories,

here's to the faithful team.

Let us praise the Springville High School

and shout for the Red and Blue!

To the Coach, To the Team, To the Faculty

members we all esteem.

To the pep, to the vim, to the loyal supporters

who help us win.

To the Red , to the Blue, to the sportsmanship

that will pull us through

Let's shout, let's cheer, let's give nine rahs

for the best school year.

(Repeat the verse)

On You Devils

On you devils, on you devils

Win this game tonight.

Take the ball down the field,

It's victory if you fight, fight, fight, fight!

On you devils, on you devils

Fight 'em for your fame.

Fight devils fight, and you will win this game! HEY!