Promoting Positive Mental Health


Find a Purpose

Use time available to work towards goals or serve others.  

kid with an apple and laying down

Take a Break

When you get overwhelmed relax and do something enjoyable.

two persons doing plank


Working out flushes out stress hormones.

kid sleeping

Get Plenty of Sleep

Eight to ten hours are recommended for teenagers.

kid doing homework

Keep Up with School Work

Do your work now so it does not pile up for later

people on their phone

Limit Social Media and Screen Time to Less Than 2 Hours

Excessive social media and video games are related to higher stress levels


Maintain a Schedule

Schedules can create certainty in uncertain times

ilustration of food and vegetables

Eat Healthy

Healthy eating promotes healthy thoughts.

girl sick in bed

Treat Physical Illnesses

When you are sick you cannot deal with stress effectively.

6 people connection

Connect with Others in Person

Play a game, go for a walk or just sit and talk.