AP Classes

AP College Board Logo

AP classes at SHS:

  • AP 2D Art

  • AP Biology

  • AP Calculus AB

  • AP Calculus BC

  • AP Chinese Language

  • AP English Language & Composition

  • AP English Literature & Composition

  • AP Music Theory

  • AP Physics I

  • AP Physics II

  • AP Physics C: Mechanics

  • AP Spanish Language

  • AP Statistics

  • AP US History

  • AP World History

Important 2024-2025 Information:

Registering for AP Courses and Tests

Taking course AND test

  1. Visit Total Registration, create an account (or login if returning), select course/tests you will be taking, retrieve codes for step 2. You can choose to pay later, however the fee deadline is Nov 2nd. Late fees: Nov 3rd- Nov 12 = $10, After Nov. 12 = $40

  2. Visit AP College Board and sign in or create an account. Join course(s) using code(s) from Step 1. Be sure to select YES to taking the test.

Be sure both sites say “YES” for taking the test and all payments are made by Nov. 2nd. Otherwise, your test(s) will not be ordered.

Taking course, NOT test

  1. Visit Total Registration, create an account (or login if returning), select courses you will be taking, retrieve codes for step 2. Choose NO to taking the exam(s).

  2. Visit AP College Board and sign in or create an account. Join course(s) using code(s) from Step 1. Be sure to select NO to taking the test.

It's best to check family/sports schedules before committing to the AP exam!  May test dates will be listed on the school website. There is a hefty fee to move your test to the late testing day. 

Please see Mrs. Green in the library if you have questions.      ( sheramy.green@nebo.edu)

AP exams registrations that are not fully paid by Tuesday, November 12, 2024, AND registered on both Total Registration AND College Board will not be ordered. A $10 late fee applies after November 2nd. A $40 late fee applies after November 12th.

AP exams registrations that are not fully paid by Saturday, November 9, 2024, AND registered on both Total Registration AND College Board will not be ordered. A $10 late fee applies after November 2nd. A $42 late fee applies after November 9th.

Please contact Mrs. Sheramy Green at sheramy.green@nebo.edu if you have questions.