SHS AlumniScholarship Fund
691 Houtz Ave
Springville, UT 84663
801-318-4893 (cell)
Alumni Association
The Springville High School Alumni Scholarship Fund was created by the graduating class of 1973 and has joined the Friends of SHS Association to create the Springville High School Alumni Association.
Mission Statement
The purpose of this organization is to:
*Provide the alumni of Springville High a positive way to be involved at the high school and in the community
*Provide academic scholarships to graduating students
*Preserve the history, tradition, and integrity of Springville High School
We are working hard to increase this fund to be able to give larger scholarships each year but it will take "many hands to make light work."
Here is how you can help!
Join the Association- Membership is $10 a year or $150 for a lifetime membership.
Donate Cash- Cash is always welcome and especially anticipated from other graduating classes as they have their reunions.
Buy a Sweatshirt-Sweatshirts, sweatpants, coats, vests, hats, t-shirts as well as Red Devil plant hangers and flags are always available at Monogram Station located at 1862 W. Alvey Dr. in Mapleton. You can shop there between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm. Their telephone number is 801-489-7397 if you have any questions about what is available or driving directions. You may also contact the members listed below with any questions or would like to help out with fund raisers and sales.
The Springville High Scholarship Fund is partnered with the Nebo Foundation for Excellence, which is a 501C3 organization. This enables membership in the association and donations to the scholarship fund to be tax deductible.
If you know of a graduating student who would like to apply for a scholarship, the applications are available in the counseling center at the High School.
If you would like to be involved or would like to make a donation please fill the donation page out and return to:
c/o Kathy Kendall
c/o Julie Kappas
SHS AlumniScholarship Fund
1144 W Main
Springville, UT 84663
801-489-9208 (home)