Student Council serves Student Council

Submitted by beth.hansen on

August 30 Springville woke up excited for Game Day! Word spread quickly that our traveling opponents for that day’s game, Bountiful were dealing with a disastrous fire. Hundreds were evacuated and 3 homes were lost. After last year’s fire that affected some of our own students, Springville’s Student Council wanted to do something that showed our support and understanding for Bountiful. They quickly brainstormed and came up with the idea to try and raise even a little money to donate however Bountiful High School saw the greatest need.

Nebo Partners with Red Cross to Provide a Disaster Shelter Live Tour & Preparedness Fair

Submitted by beth.hansen on

A Disaster Shelter Live Tour & Preparedness Fair will be held on September 16, 2019, at the Nebo School District's Summit Center.  The Red Cross will be setting up a shelter and will provide a free meal for the first 400 attendees.  There will be preparedness classes which you can sign up for.  If you and your family are interested in seeing what a shelter looks like, you may want to attend this fair.