Deadline for Changing Learning (Remote or In-Person) is Jan 5th

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Dear Parents,

This is a friendly reminder that you have until the end of the day on January 5, 2021 to change between Remote and At-School learning. If you would like to make a change and haven’t already done so, click on THIS SURVEY to submit your decision.

If you would like to stay with your current choice, please do not fill out the survey.  

Thank you!


Estimados padres:

Outrage! Winter Retreat hosted by the Utah County Health Department

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Students, don't miss this fantastic virtual event hosted by the Utah County Health Department!

Details: A virtual holiday event for students next Saturday. We are focusing on positivity and inclusivity even though we are maintaining distance at the same time. We have a local motivational speaker planned, virtual escape games, gifts, and prizes. We are working to make this a very fun Saturday even though it will all be virtual. All youth 12-18 are invited.

Facebook Event Link: